protect your online course with legal guidAnce

how do we help?

Creating and selling digital courses is an incredibly rewarding experience but the legal part? Exhausting.

At MJ Morley Law, we love to help you protect your online courses with our tailored legal solutions, ensuring your intellectual property and your business are safe.

Why You Should Avoid DIY and Form Contracts

The Risks of DIY Legal Solutions

Many course creators are tempted to handle their legal needs themselves, but DIY legal work can lead to significant risks:

  • Inadequate Protection. Without a thorough understanding of intellectual property law, you might leave your content vulnerable to theft and misuse.

  • Compliance Issues. Navigating the intricacies of advertising laws, data privacy regulations, and platform-specific rules requires legal knowledge. A misstep could result in hefty fines or legal disputes.

  • Time and Stress. Legal work is complex and time-consuming. By handling it yourself, you divert time and energy away from growing your business and creating valuable content.

The Limitations of Form Contracts

While form contracts may seem like a quick fix, they often fall short in providing comprehensive protection:

  • One-Size-Fits-All. Form contracts are not tailored to your specific needs. They lack the customization required to address unique aspects of your business and content.

  • Hidden Gaps. These templates may omit crucial legal clauses, leaving you exposed to potential liabilities and disputes.

  • Outdated Information. Legal requirements change frequently. Form contracts may not reflect the latest laws and regulations, putting your business at risk.

  • Secure your copyrights, trademarks, and other IP assets to prevent unauthorized use and infringement.

  • We know the industry, so we love to draft digital course creator focused contracts, including terms and conditions, privacy policies, membership agreements and licensing agreements.

  • Guidance on complying with relevant regulations and minimizing legal risks.

  • Stay compliant with advertising laws and FTC guidelines, avoiding penalties and ensuring transparent, ethical advertising practices.

  • Navigate the complex legal landscape of social media, including influencer marketing, data privacy, and platform-specific regulations to protect your online presence and content.

  • Drafting and negotiation of influencer contracts, ensuring all parties' interests are protected and minimizing the risk of disputes.

  • Protect your digital products like templates, eBooks, and other downloadable content with robust legal agreements, ensuring proper usage and licensing.

  • Legal solutions for managing online membership programs, including terms of service, payment terms, and member agreements to foster a secure and compliant community.

  • Efficient and effective resolution of legal disputes, including intellectual property conflicts and contractual disagreements, to maintain your business's reputation and integrity.

  • Ensure compliance with data privacy laws, such as GDPR and CCPA, to protect your customers' information and build trust in your brand.

Our Flat Rate, Fair Package Pricing

At MJ Morley Law, we understand the financial challenges faced by digital course creators. That’s why we offer transparent, flat-rate pricing for our comprehensive legal services:

  • Affordable Packages. Our packages are designed to provide all the legal support you need at a price that won’t break the bank.

  • No Hidden Fees. With our flat-rate pricing, you know exactly what you’re paying for upfront. There are no surprise costs or hourly rates.

  • Payment Plans. All of our flat-rate projects can be part of a payment plan.

  • Tailored Solutions. Each package is customized to meet your specific needs, ensuring you get the best possible protection for your online courses.

Female digital course creator typing on computer with coffee.

Secure Your Digital Course with OUR TEAM.

As a digital course creator, you've poured countless hours into developing valuable content that educates and empowers your audience. However, with the growing popularity of online learning, the risk of unauthorized use, intellectual property theft, and legal disputes is higher than ever. You need a reliable partner who understands these challenges and can safeguard your hard work.

MJ Morley Law focuses on providing legal solutions tailored for digital course creators.

With a deep understanding of the online business landscape, our team is here to help you navigate the complicated law of internet legalities and ensure your course content, email list, and digital business is legally protected.

Step 1: Schedule a Consultation

Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your specific needs and concerns.

Step 2: get a proposal for Customized Legal Solutions

We offer a range of services, including intellectual property protection, customized contracts for your digital course, and compliance guidance, all tailored to the unique requirements of digital course creators.

Step 3: Peace of Mind

With MJ Morley Law by your side, you can focus on creating and growing your business, knowing that your legal bases are covered.